Tonight I was down here on the computer when I heard the garage door slam shut and mom SHRIEKING at me to hurry quick. I ran upstairs as fast as I could - mom was ghost white and clutching her hands between her legs in a nervous panic. We started laughing/screaming as she described what she had seen.
She was cleaning up the kitchen when she heard a faint "banging" (her words) sound coming from the corner in the garage. Here is her version:
"I looked out. I saw nothing at first. And continued cleaning the kitchen. I heard the bang start up again. Again, I opened the garage door and leaned to see behind the freezer and SCREAMED WITH HORROR WHEN I SAW A DEER HEAD WITH HUGE LARGE ANTLERS STRUGGLING TO FREE ITSELF FROM THE DOG DOOR!!!!!!!!!!"
When she was screaming to me the story I could not decide if I should laugh or run with terror... I ran into the living room and told her to call 9-1-1 because I was going to pass out. We called the Dean's (our hunter/farmer neighbors) and told them we had a deer trapped in our doggie door. They were on their way over, assuring us they had two deer tags and that they would take care of it.
By then we got the nerve to flick on the back porch to the yard to see the deer's trashing back end. To our surprise, we saw ..... RILEY'S back end. "Hmmmm. Deer in the front, dog in the back? Puzzled and concerned because the neighbors are on their way over with a shotgun!" We just screamed!
Well, short story longer.......this is what she saw.
this is the most unbelievable thing i have ever seen! hilarious and scary all at once. way to go mom on getting a blog of your very own!
This is Chelsea and this is the funniest story I've ever heard. I love the pictures to go along with it.
OH MY GOSH! THIS IS TRULY UNBELIEVABLE. What I would have paid to see you in video during that episode...priceless!!!
We love you a lot. Funny.
OMG!!!!!!!! i love it. that is so funny. glad you have a blog kendall... i'll be a follower/stalker!
hilarious. this sounds like it could be a deleted scenet from the christmas story or more like christmas vacation.
That is a classic story!!! I'm glad you caught it on film (or should I say memory card?). With your new blog, I expect many more entries! How about this idea: whenever you go on a date, take his picture, post it along with his bio and we will all rate him with whether or not we think he's a keeper! Great idea right?
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